Hi, My Name Bima Krisnawan

IT Engineer | UI/UX Design

I am a student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering with a concentration in application development.

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Who Am I?

I am a Computer Science student at Satya Wacana Christian University, with a GPA of 3.90. Skilled in full-stack web development, project creation, and organizational activities, with strong adaptability and effective communication.

Social Media

To get closer to me and get to know me better, visit my social media profiles!



Wild Landscape



Of My Life

Landing Page

Digital Innovation Competition

We Create Callidus. Together with my team, we successfully achieved the Runner-up in the Digital Innovation (IESCO) at Satya Wacana Christian University

Landing Page

Intern at Alfamart

Throwback to the early days! This photo captures a special moment from our early days as IT interns at Alfamart, under the guidance of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. It's amazing to reflect on how far we've come since then, just a few days into our internship.